This Sunday we are continuing the series "Dancing with the Stars". The text is James 2.1-13; we'll also see how steps 4&5 of AA can help us live out James 2 more fully.
The service begins with a "Dancing with the Stars" intro video and then on to dance. The dance this week is the fox trot which was created in 1914 because the two step was too hard for a lot of people to learn and do. The fox trot dance reminds us that some of the things that God calls us to do seem too hard so we choose not to do them. James tells us about one of those hard things: not playing favorites.
After the opening dance comes time to praise God in song. The first song "Prince of Peace" is familiar to many, but make sure you follow the flow of the words which speak of a deep commitment to God and following his ways. In the light of James where he points out that a way we do that is by refusing to play favorites it is a potent call.
Here are the words of the Song
You are holy (You are holy)
You are mighty (You are mighty)
You are worthy (You are worthy)
Worthy of praise (Worthy of praise)
I will follow (I will follow)
I will listen (I will listen)
I will love You (I will love you)
All of my days (All of my days)
I will sing to (You're the lord of lords)
And worship (You're the king of kings)
The King who (You are mighty God)
Is worthy (Lord of everything)
I will love Him (You're emmanuel)
Adore Him (You're the Great I am)
I will bow down (You're the Prince of Peace)
before Him (Who is the lamb)
I will sing to (You're the living God
And worship (You're my saving grace)
The King who (You will reign forever)
Is worthy (You are acient of days)
I will love Him (You are Alpha Omega)
Adore Him (Beginning and End)
I will bow down (You're my Savior Messiah)
Before Him (Redeemer and friend)
You're my Prince of Peace
And I will live my life for You
We will have a time of prayer, offering, and announcements. During the announcements we will be celebrating one of the many things that God has made possible through your giving.
The message begins with a bit of a fill in the blank about how we look at everyday life, so be ready to join in with your answers. One of the pieces of the message that may take a bit of a different direction comes as we ask the question "If you don't play favorites then you treat all people_____________" I'll let you think about how to fill in that blank.
When the message is done we will join together in a prayer
Our closing song is "Better is One Day" which is a cry to draw near to God. It is a response to James' reminder that we draw near to God in obedience, so if we want God to be close, we need to live a life of obedience to him.
Looking forward to Sunday