Friday, June 1, 2007

Spiritual Gifts

This Sunday we are looking at using our Spiritual Gifts. In the message I promise a couple of links to spiritual gifts surveys you can take online. Here they are:

1 comment:

Dawn Lenger said...

Hmmmm...Interesting! I utilized both sites that you provided, Pastor Larry. I was not necessarily surprised by the results as much as I was how strong the results were in a couple of areas.

I would recommend these sites to anyone wanting to learn about their spiritual gifts, particularly the second link as I feel that one gives a really good analysis of the results.

Sometimes, people tend to shy away from these types of surveys, I believe, because it then holds them accountable to put into action the gifts that God has given them. What they don't know can't be held against them, right? However, as children of the King, we do have a responsibility to learn exactly who and what we were given life to be and do for His glory.

Life is not about us and our comfort but about God and serving Him with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strengths, i.e., spiritual gifts.

Oh well...I could go on and on about this one, but I won't. LOL!

Have an enjoyable weekend!