Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Visit to the Docs

Yesterday we made our first trip to the Doc's. He was pleased with Linda's progress. She is now up and about using the walker a number of times each day. We continue to try to get out a bit for those big adventures like the grocery store. Yesterday Linda, Chris, and I went to Meijers. I pushed Linda and Chris pushed the cart. It all worked rather well.

Even as Linda gets better she is still quite tired--healing takes a lot of energy. So between our outings she is doing her bit of resting and reading and trying to watch some TV. The boredom of it all gets worse the better she feels--so pray for patience.

On Thursday we replaced our Scion which was totalled in the accident. You can see us driving a 2001 VW Passat wagon around town. It's green and was given top ranking in safety by Consumer Reports. It look a lot like the one in the picture, I don't have a picture of the actual car :). Our car search had two central criteria--Chris could get in without hitting his head and Linda can feel comfortable driving in a safe car--the Passat fit both those criteria.

We have been overwhelmed by all your cards and prayers. The healing process will still be a good month before Linda is up to 80% speed, but we are thankful that she is doing as well as she is right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking time to post on your blog. We as a family pray for you continuously and pleased that God is blessing you with steps of improvement. Hang in there!!!
