Friday, June 6, 2008

Who Sinned?

In John 5 Jesus is getting ready to heal a man and his disciples asked "who sinned so that this man was born blind--himself or his parents?". In the office today, taking this quote completely out of context and destroying all fidelity to the Biblical text, we asked the same question, "who sinned?" This past week we have been without internet, fax, and phones for more than 24 hours during a time when we needed them for one of our biggest registrations of the year (Arts Camp). Finally our phones came back up but our internet crashed on more than--shall we say 5 occasions. Then as we were joyfully all back up and running this morning the power to the area around EverGreen went out--so also our phones, internet, and fax, plus all internal ability to use our network for printing etc.

So who sinned so that we are experiencing this 21st century technological blindness? Was it you?

1 comment:

Judi L. Tieri said...

Hey Larry:

Must have been me!!! It's been one of those days for me!! However, I can take responsibility for many number of things, so hey, why not???