Sunday, February 15, 2009

A New Star Wars

It is always amazing (and sometimes hopeful) to see how new technologies hold out hope for keeping soldiers safe.  P.W. Singer gives us insight into a world few of us enter.  The new world of robots on the battlefield.

"When U.S. forces went into Iraq, the original invasion had no robotic systems on the ground. By the end of 2004, there were 150 robots on the ground in Iraq; a year later there were 2,400; by the end of 2008, there were about 12,000 robots of nearly two dozen varieties operating on the ground in Iraq. As one retired Army officer put it, the “Army of the Grand Robotic” is taking shape."

Singer in his article "Military Robots and the Laws of War" looks at both the robots and the moral repercussions of their presence on the battlefield.  Enjoy a good read.


Anonymous said...

People seem to be forgetting the one thing I tell people constantly in my field of work...Computers (Robots) only do what you tell them to do. They don't "fix" themselves. They don't do things unless they are programed to.

Allowing a robot to take upon itself the bloodshed of people and destruction of nations allows us to further distance ourselves from the reasoning and responsibilities of war.

I think saving the lives of our troops is noble effort, but at what cost are we exchanging them? Also, didn't anyone watch Terminator or iRobot?

Larry Doornbos said...

Hi ryan,
You're comments remind me of why I liked the article so much. It doesn't just talk about the technology but also the morality of deploying robots on the field. I think he does a good job of pointing out some of the moral dilemmas we face in this area.