Thursday, February 19, 2009

Say What?

I'm doing study in 1 John. As I was doing so I was reminded again of how important it is to try to get some sense of the background of what's happening in the community to whom the author is writing. In doing that study I came across this quote in the Word Biblical Commentary: "The writer of 1 John was thus addressing a community, made up of a number of house-churches in and around Ephesus (see on 2 and 3 John), which was split in three ways. It consisted of the following: (a) Johannine Christians who were committed to the apostolic gospel of Jesus as they had received it; (b) heretically inclined members from a Jewish background; (c) heterodox followers from a Hellenistic (and/or pagan) background. The problems relating to the two “heretical” groups, (b) and (c), were primarily theological and (by extension) ethical..."  (emphasis added).  It's this last part that drew my attention.  Our theology impacts our ethics.  It is, of course, a truth that rings throughout the Scriptures.  Paul's writings for instance typically start out with theology and that leads us into how we are to live.  But in our culture we seem to diss theology as basically unimportant, boring, or something for intellectuals (and therefore a bad thing), believing we can act in certain ways without the foundation of theology to hold up those ways.  
It's a good reminder that our theology or lack of it really does impact the way we do life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There has been a growing trend among my generation to skip the foundation and go right to the action step. Action is great, but it will only last when a foundation is built underneath it...Otherwise it will be swept away.

When a foundation of theology, ethics, and/or basic system of beliefs is founded and built on God's solid ground it prepares a Christian for the road ahead. If this foundation is not sought, thought out, and fought for it will only be a matter of time before it "crashes"(some pun intended).

Good words Larry, good words.