Monday, May 12, 2008

Gone Missing

Obviously I've been away from the blog for a bit. Sorry about that. The main reason for my absence is the possible housing change for our family. A few weeks ago we decided that we needed to find a new place to live for a variety of reasons. In a moment a lot of free time was gone--including blogging and thinking about blogging time. You can see the picture of the house that has been consuming my time for the last few weeks. There's not the mortgage, selling our house, and getting furniture for a larger place. We hope all of this will come together in the next month and life will return to its normal crazy pace.
By the way, the move is not long distance. The new place is about 1/2 mile from the old one. The new place though has the advantage of being new (about 18 months old) and not being so musty with some odors that seemed to really bug Chris and make him feel sick.
Thanks for your patience...I'll be writing more often in the days to come.