Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Divide

Watching election returns last night I was struck by a powerful divide that was revealed between African American believers and white believers. As Obama was winning NBC had interviews with black pastors, with black Christians who had been through the civil rights movement and others. Many of these attributed Obama's win to a miracle of God or the working of God to bring about justice after the days of racism. This attitude was a powerful contrast to the last minute emails I received from largely white voters and coalitions. These people and organizations pointed out that McCain was God's choice and that any other choice would reflect a falling away from God by our nation.
As I watched the divide unfold between African American Christians and white Christians it reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend who also happened to be an African American Pastor in the Reformed Church in America. He pointed out to me that the central issues for white Christians were barely on the agenda of Black Christians and the central issues on the agenda for Black Christians, were rarely considered by white Christians.
It all makes me wonder about how we heal this divide and seek the picture of the book of Revelation where people from all nations come and worship.


Jeff and Rebecca Steigenga said...

Interesting thoughts Pastor Larry! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Maybe reconciliation will take a step forward when we begin to take up some of our brothers and sister's agenda. As the ones who have "the power" whether actual or perceived it seems to be our (white) role to move.