Friday, April 17, 2009

Can we hold on to a nation without God

A great article, with thoughtful insight. Here's just a bit of it,
If repudiation of its past and its identity is all that Western civilization can offer, it cannot survive: it will give way to whatever future civilization can offer hope and consolation to the young and fulfill their deep-rooted human need for social membership. Citizenship, as I have described it, does not fulfill that need: and that is why so many Muslims reject it, seeking instead that consoling “brotherhood” (ikhwan) that has so often been the goal of Islamic revivals. But citizenship is an achievement that we cannot forgo if the modern world is to survive: we have built our prosperity on it, our peace and our stability, and—even if it does not provide happiness—it defines us. We cannot renounce it without ceasing to be.

What is needed is not to reject citizenship as the foundation of social order but to provide it with a heart. And in seeking that heart, we should turn away from the apologetic multiculturalism that has had such a ruinous effect on Western self-confidence and return to the gifts that we have received from our Judeo-Christian tradition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So our future depends on our ability to aknowledge that we are somtimes(if not often) wrong, and to be able to laugh about it.
Good article, though I think I've met those who would like to establish a judeo-christian "sharia", and put that whole forgivness part behind them.
