Thanks first of all for all your prayer and concern for Linda and Chris. If you missed the e-mails Linda and Chris were in a car accident this morning along with a young man who was riding with them.
Chris is doing OK physically, but for those of you who have known Chris for awhile you know that when he is overwhelmed he starts to gag and since he can't throw up because of his nissan it is a very uncomfortable deal. Pray that he will be able to calm down and that his soft heart will be OK with his mom being in the hospital.
Pray too for the young man who was in the car with them. He sustained injuries and will have a time of recovery from broken bones.
Now for Linda. She broke her pelvis in two places and also cracked her sacrum. In addition she chipped two of her Vertebrae--nothing that poses any danger but is very painful. For Linda all of this means 3-4 weeks of her world being in bed and walking to the bathroom and then going back to bed. The healing process will be very painful.
In addition, Linda feels very bad because the accident was her fault. She is beating herself up over it. Many plans for the summer that she was looking forward to because Chris was at school (for the first time in 19 years Chris was actually going to be doing something during the summer and Linda was going to get some much needed and deserved respite) have suddenly ended. So pray for both her physical healing and a healing for her heart.
The good news (God thing) in all of this is that the injuries are not more severe and my vacation starts Monday for 2 weeks so I'll be at home.
Again, thanks for your concern. As you can see by the pics of our car, we are very thankful things were not worse.
Larry, our prayers are with you and if we can do anything let us know. In fact when can we start bringing you meals since the main cook is laid up??
hey larry and linda,
just got some school emails about lindas accident. wow...that kind of stuff can shake you up i bet. anyway, we will be praying for you at the pacanowski household!
Linda, Larry and Chris-
Mark and I have been praying about your situation and we will continue to think of you guys.
Oops- last comment was from
Kelli TenHaken
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