Thursday, December 6, 2007

Join the Conversation

For those of you who are EverGreen folks I want to invite and urge you to join two conversations. The first is with Pastor Tom at 4:45 on the next 2 Sundays. Tom is talking about the sacraments and how we understand them at egm. It's an opportunity to not only listen but also to ask questions. Since the sacraments are a means of God putting his grace into our lives it's important to know what they are all about.

The second conversation happens after the evening service. It's call "The Thirty". It's an opportunity to talk about the message, ask questions, get clarification on what was said etc. I lead this in the "sofa room". This a great time to take the message and make it more a part of our lives and to have the conversation help us to think more deeply and hopefully apply more fully what was said.

The great thing about both of these conversations is that by investing from 4:45 - 7:45 you have an opportunity to listen, think, question, dig deeply and so build your faith. As we'll discover this coming Sunday, understanding our faith through sustained thought and insight makes it possible for us to be fruitful.

So come and join the conversation.

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