Friday, December 7, 2007

Sunday's Coming

We are in our second week of American Jesus. Last week we looked at why it's a big deal to believe that Jesus is God like the Father is God. This week we are focusing our attention on "Simple Jesus".

Here's what's happening this Sunday:

We open with a fun and funny drama "Yourway Church of the Customizable Jesus" --as you can tell from the title, it's about people's desire to get the Jesus they want.

As you join in singing the opening songs the first song "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" calls us to worship. The second song speaks of the wonder of God, the reason we worship him and the final song brings us to worship him. As you join in watch for this flow.

Our congregational prayer comes next along with the offering. There will be a video during the offering about Financial Peace University. Check your mailbox or the table by the mailboxes for more information.

After the offering we will again be praying. This prayer will focus on the needs of the world.

The message this week focuses on Psalm 78.1-4 and Matthew 13.34-35 (and the parable of the sower from Matthew 13). The message talks about how God seeks to communicate with us and how Jesus follows that same pattern of communication in bringing us a message that had been hidden from the beginning of creation. Tell your kids to keep their ears open for a little bit of Row, Row, Row your boat. As happens fairly regularly there is more message than time so the long version of the printed message is in the downloads section of EverGreen's website ( At the end of that message are a few added thoughts that I'll be posting on Monday.

The songs following the message are songs of dedication. As you sing pay attention to what you are actually promising and committing to. Singing is sung prayer according to John Calvin and so it carries the same weight as speaking a commitment to God.

One last thought--why not take a few moments/minutes on Sunday morning to get your heart ready for worship. You can read the texts for the day and pray for God to empower you to worship him in ways that please him. You can also show up a few minutes before worship so that you can settle in and focus on God.

See you Sunday!

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