Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dinner Out

We had quite the adventure last night--we drove two miles to Wolfies (a local restaurant owned by a friend) and ate outside at the picnic tables. It was a bit of a production getting Linda down the stairs of the house, then to her walker and finally into the car. I loaded the wheel chair in the trunk (happy to have fold down seats!) and off we went. The drive was a bit taxing on Linda, but getting out of the house and to another place was well worth it. Overall the outing did not seem to take any more out of Linda than staying at home.

On another healing front a neighbor loaned us their "anti-gravity" lounge chair. It is a great place for Linda to sit because it takes pressure off all those pressure points. Linda found it to be so comfortable much that we ordered one via Amazon--it came in about 36 hours (our neighbor needs their chair back for their special needs "kid").

One last "God moment": Sunday Linda was saying that what sounded good to eat was a small steak and boiled red potatoes. This is a huge change from her normal diet. About 15 minutes after metioning it there was a knock at our door. The daughter of the family that loaned us the anti-gravity chair handed me two ready to put in the microwave meals her mom had prepared. Inside, of course, were two small steaks, boiled red potatoes, and fresh corn on the cob. Got to love it when God does those cool things.

Again, thanks for the cards and the prayers. We are making slow but sure progress.


Anonymous said...

Larry; I've never done this blog thing so I hope it works. It sounds so good that you guys are able to get out. THe steak and red potatoes story is great. God is good. Praise the Lord. Dale
PS where is "Wolfies"?

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda, Larry and Chris,
I am sorry that we are behind the time, but just heard rumors of your accident from John VL epistle.
You certainly have your share of trials. God must really love you! We love you too, and you are in our thouthts and prayers.

Scott Pontier said...

Glad to read your updates... by this point you & linda should get honorary M.D.s!

praying for you guys!